Larry Niven Wiki

The Man-Kzin Wars Series refers to a number of interconnected stories set within the Larry Niven's Known Space Universe. The series details various stories set against the backdrop of an interstellar war waged between mankind and the savage Kzin invaders. The stories in this series, with two exceptions, are not written by Larry Niven himself. Lacking any sort of military experience, Niven did not consider himself qualified to write war stories and therefore chose not to delve into the time period of the Man-Kzin wars in great detail. Eventually though, some of Niven's fellow science-fiction authors were allowed to write stories dealing with the conflict. These stories are collected in volumes labeled Man-Kzin Wars followed by a roman numeral denoting the number of the volume with the exception of the first volume which is simply title The Man-Kzin Wars.


As of 2022 there are a total of 15 volumes and 3 stand-alone novels in the series, plus an additional novel that is expanded from one of the stories. There are also 4 fix-up novels consisting of stories from preceding volumes, as well as a collection of stories from preceding volumes.

  • The Man-Kzin Wars
  • Man-Kzin Wars II
  • Cathouse: A Novel of the Man-Kzin Wars (fix-up novel)
  • Man-Kzin Wars III
  • Inconstant Star: A Novel of the Man-Kzin Wars (fix-up novel)
  • Man-Kzin Wars IV
  • The Children’s Hour: A Novel of the Man-Kzin Wars (fix-up novel)
  • Man-Kzin Wars V
  • Man-Kzin Wars VI
  • Man-Kzin Wars VII
  • A Darker Geometry: A Man-Kzin Wars Novel (standalone novel expanded from a story from Man-Kzin Wars VII)
  • The Best of All Possible Wars: The Best of the Man-Kzin Wars (collection)
  • Choosing Names: Man-Kzin Wars VIII
  • Man-Kzin Wars IX
  • The Houses of the Kzinti (fix-up novel)
  • Man-Kzin Wars X: The Wunder War
  • Man-Kzin Wars XI
  • Destiny's Forge: A Man-Kzin Wars Novel (standalone novel)
  • Man-Kzin Wars XII
  • Man-Kzin Wars XIII
  • Man-Kzin Wars XIV
  • Treasure Planet: A Man-Kzin Wars Novel (standalone novel)
  • Man-Kzin Wars XV
  • Freedom: A Man-Kzin Wars Novel (standalone novel)