Larry Niven Wiki
Larry Niven Wiki

Kawaresksenjajok, also called Kawa, is a City Builder librarian apprentice at the Floating City.[1]

He is young and Louis Wu thinks he has just entered adolescence. He is described as having very fine brown hair covering his entire scalp (unlike adult City Builders) thickening at the back. He has typical small City Builder features and wears the blue robes of a librarian with his collar having a single notch cut into it, signifying his beginner status.[1]

He becomes involved with Louis Wu after meeting in the Library building and furtively follows him through a stepping disk to the Second Ringworld Expedition's ship Hot Needle of Inquiry. There, the Hindmost is forced to accept him and another City Builder named Harkabeeparolyn into the expedition. Kawaresksenjajok accompanies Louis and the rest on their mission to locate Chmeee and the Ringworld's repair center, along the way he is regularly fascinated by the sights and events he witnesses such as the underside of the Ringworld, meeting Chmeee and the Hindmost, the Map of Mars and talking to Teela Brown, now transformed into a protector. Despite being very young he develops a relationship with Harkabeeparolyn and eventually mates with her, making her pregnant.[1]

After helping with the saving of the Ringworld, he, Harkabeeparolyn, Louis Wu and Chmeee eventually leave the repair center on a Kzinti colony ship to explore one of the Great Oceans.[1]

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